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Illuminate Your Inner Wisdom
Communication Elemental Style
Do your words fall upon deaf ears or they are summarily rejected? Are you often misunderstood? What if it is not your or your partner’s...

November Forecast: Deepening Your Wisdom
Change creeps silently or not so silently into our lives. Sometimes we welcome change. Other times, we struggle through it kicking and screa

Harnessing Your Power
Do you struggle with overdoing, over-working, over-eating and more? If a little is good, do you think that more is better? What if this...

September Celestial Forecast: Synchronistic Abundance
The energies of September are a reflection of the overall theme of 2017. In Numerology, September is a 19 Universal month, which reduces...

The Power of Retreating
Does it seem like the past just keeps re-creating itself? Does it seem impossible to create a different future, no matter how hard you...

July Forecast: If You Could Manifest Anything, What Would You Have?
July transforms the insights and wisdom attained from our introspection in June and allows them to form into something we can see, touch,...

May, Transforming the Ordinary Into The Extraordinary
There is magic in the Numerology of May! We are offered a chance to put on our magic hat and transform something in our lives or in...

Part 3: Do We Get Another Chance?
The question of what happens after death has gone on for ages. Some religions teach that this life is a one time shot. The teaching...

Part 2: Re-writing the Story Of Your Past
Do you know anyone who has not had some sort of challenge with parents? I don't. And that is as it should be. There are two basic kinds...

Do You Know That You Are Living Your Purpose?
It's so easy to think that living our purpose is something monumental, sort of like having a super career, an awesome job where you save...

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