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September Celestial Forecast: Synchronistic Abundance

Find the sweetness in your life

The energies of September are a reflection of the overall theme of 2017. In Numerology, September is a 19 Universal month, which reduces to 10, Instant Manifestation and Synchronicity and ultimately to the number 1, Initiation.

In the ancient Chaldean numerology, the number 19 represents the Sun and is often called the Prince of Heaven. It is a highly auspicious energy, an energy of reward, success, victory and abundance. Within this energy one can see the co-creative power of the Divine or Spirit who provides synchronistic events and experiences that offer guidance in life and clarity towards one’s soul’s purpose.

September amplifies the energy of instant manifestation and of creating something new and powerful that aligns with our highest purpose and mission.

On September 6th, we have a Pisces Full Moon which serves to bring a more spiritual approach to the transformation we create. Listen to the inspiration that flows easily to you during this time and quell the doubts and confusion that can come from not trusting your intuitive abilities.

On September 19 and 20th we have a Virgo New Moon. The Sun and Moon are very near Libra, suggesting we bring balance to our mental pursuits and don’t be overly detail oriented. This New Moon encourages us to see and explore the blessings in what we have already accomplished and look at ourselves and others with compassion and unconditional love. Make an effort to look at your life in a down to earth fashion and spend some time in nature to enjoy the earthy quality of this New Moon. This can be a time when you have a lot of influence over your life and others in your life. It can be a peaceful or volatile energy. Be mindful of how you feel and don’t give up too quickly on your goals just because you are bored, don't see the results you expect or are impatient.

I drew Unfinished Symphony from Colette Baron-Reid's Wisdom of the Oracle card deck to represent a something to be aware of during the month of September. The message of this card invites you to take an inventory of your activities, goals and projects and review what has not been completed. Finish what is unfinished so that you can have the satisfaction of completing what you have initiated and move ahead more easily with what’s next. Get clear about the meaning of what it is you want to create in your life and what it is you want to master. Finishing up the details will keep you moving forward into a new level of mastery.

If you find this forecast useful you may also find the 2017 Celestial Forecast online video training informative. I started creating it in January. Unforeseen events (typical Uranian influences) caused me to reluctantly postpone the class. As synchronicity would have it, I discovered that looking back at certain times of the year when there were many planets in retrograde, the eclipses or just simply understanding that the global celestial theme for the year helped me make sense of the chaos, indecision and deep questioning of the meaning and purpose of my life, that I experienced during those times. At the time, I had forgotten about the secretive celestial energies that affect all of us.

Other clients have reported that often, it's easier to make sense of something in your life, when you look back on the event, armed with new understanding about the driving forces that were part of the creation of the event. The celestial energies are invisible forces that quietly support your endeavors or make your progress more challenging.

You're invited to participate in 2017 Celestial Forecast In Retrospect. It is an online training consisting of 14 videos, that you can watch at your own pace.

Go to for more information and to sign up.

In the meantime enjoy synchronic guidance in your creative process. Pay particular attention to your thoughts. With this particular energy, what you think is what you will get in a very short time. Connect with the best part of yourself and with the Divine. Remember that abundance is your birthright. This is a time when abundance is available to you. Enjoy your abundance. Share it.

Elaine Correia

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Inspired by Ellara's empathic healing abiities, here is a Light Language Meditation for you.

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."


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​© 2016-2023 Elaine Correia DBA Inner Wisdom • The Awakened Heroine.

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P.O. Box 840 • Waldport, OR 97394

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