March Forecast: Purposeful Risk-TakingWelcome to March, a month to enjoy creative, uplifting communication, flexibility and purposeful risk-taking. From the transformative...
February Forecast: A Time To Regenerate Your Outlook On LifeWelcome to February, a time that supports a changed outlook on life. 2018 is a year of double new beginnings and of mastering our role in...
Welcome To 2018, A Year Of Awakened MasteryBefore we jump into the energies of 2018, a Number 11 Universal Year, let's pause and review our accomplishments from 2017. Ask yourself:...
December Forecast: An Invitation From Spirit.Welcome to December and the energies of sudden events and insights that lead to transformation and ultimately a new sort of stability and...
November Forecast: Deepening Your WisdomChange creeps silently or not so silently into our lives. Sometimes we welcome change. Other times, we struggle through it kicking and screa
September Celestial Forecast: Synchronistic AbundanceThe energies of September are a reflection of the overall theme of 2017. In Numerology, September is a 19 Universal month, which reduces...
The Power of RetreatingDoes it seem like the past just keeps re-creating itself? Does it seem impossible to create a different future, no matter how hard you...
Bring It On!In just a few days, on August 21, 2017 the moon will pass between the sun and the earth, creating a solar eclipse. Some of us in the US...
July Forecast: If You Could Manifest Anything, What Would You Have?July transforms the insights and wisdom attained from our introspection in June and allows them to form into something we can see, touch,...