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Illuminate Your Inner Wisdom
Communication Elemental Style
Do your words fall upon deaf ears or they are summarily rejected? Are you often misunderstood? What if it is not your or your partner’s...

March Forecast: Purposeful Risk-Taking
Welcome to March, a month to enjoy creative, uplifting communication, flexibility and purposeful risk-taking. From the transformative...

February Forecast: A Time To Regenerate Your Outlook On Life
Welcome to February, a time that supports a changed outlook on life. 2018 is a year of double new beginnings and of mastering our role in...

Welcome To 2018, A Year Of Awakened Mastery
Before we jump into the energies of 2018, a Number 11 Universal Year, let's pause and review our accomplishments from 2017. Ask yourself:...

What I Learned About Motivating A Taurean Man
He is charming, sensuous and handsome. He’s sweeps you off your feet and invites you into his life. He’s attentive, generous and sex is...

November Forecast: Deepening Your Wisdom
Change creeps silently or not so silently into our lives. Sometimes we welcome change. Other times, we struggle through it kicking and screa

Living Life On Your Own Terms
Do you ever wish you could live life on your own terms? You'd work when you wanted and have the time to do the activities that call to...

Harnessing Your Power
Do you struggle with overdoing, over-working, over-eating and more? If a little is good, do you think that more is better? What if this...

September Celestial Forecast: Synchronistic Abundance
The energies of September are a reflection of the overall theme of 2017. In Numerology, September is a 19 Universal month, which reduces...

The Power of Retreating
Does it seem like the past just keeps re-creating itself? Does it seem impossible to create a different future, no matter how hard you...

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