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Personal Destiny and Soul Purpose Sessions

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I didn't fit in as a child, and I still don't. 


I struggled to be like everyone else, so I could 'belong'. But even as I denied my true nature, another, wiser part of me rebelled. Consequently, my life was filled with a push-pull: doing what came naturally and rejecting those same talents. Sound familiar? I thought being sensitive and psychic and sickly was a bane. 


Only after years of figuring out what made me tick, studying health, energy systems, and the divination arts, did I finally realize I was wired a certain way. As I worked with clients, I discovered that each person has a unique configuration of talents and personalities, all designed for a specific experience. I began to understand myself and accept that it's OK to be different. 


What if I told you that your power lies in your ability to embrace your uniqueness? 

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 Step Into Your Personal Power

Does your heart urge you to follow your dreams, but your mind veto's it? The little voice in your head says you are not good enough, don't know enough, won't be successful, and don't have the resources to fulfill that dream.


What if your mind is only trying to protect you from doing the most important thing you can do while you are alive: Be yourself? 


Change is inevitable and perpetual. The attending challenges offer us a way to move forward.

Are you ready to move past doubts, fears, and  naysayers to:

  • Change jobs and careers?

  • Reclaim your health and vitality by aligning your heart and mind?

  • Rekindle meaning and purpose in your life?

  • Embrace your Child Spark- that innocent part of you that sees the world with awe and wonder?

  • Have the courage to live your destiny?

  • Know it's your birthright to be powerful and free?

When you align your heart, mind, and your soul's energies, you create health, prosperity, and happiness, as well as a deep, inner satisfaction with your life. 

Work With Me

Imagine what your life would be like if you felt free to use your innate talents and follow the inner urgings of your soul? Whom would you be? What would you do? 


Let your journey of self-discovery become an adventure.


Like the fable of the blind men and the elephant, focusing only on one aspect of yourself is great. Combining multiple modalities to interpret your natal designs, such as who you are from the soul's perspective and how that fits your natal Astrology, Numerology, and Human Design, helps create a detailed story of your destiny and how you can choose to fulfill it.  


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What Do You Struggle With? 

We are complex beings and and the things we want don't always come easily. 

  • Do you struggle with finances? 

  • Does your partner seem like he/she doesn't understand you? 

  • Is there a burning urge to create something useful or have a powerful message to share, but something holds you back?

  • Does a health condition or burnout keep you playing small? 

Let's explore these topics together.. 


Soul Purpose Activation Session

Access your Soul's design for this lifetime. Using your Astro-numerology, Human Design and your Soul Profile, 

  • Discover your purpose,

  • What supports you,

  • The challenges you face, and

  • How to overcome them.

  • Receive a Light Language activation to support you on your path.

When I first heard Elaine channel Light Language I was captivated. It felt mystical, magical, and yet, strangely familiar. Experiencing it gave me a feeling of ‘home’ - perhaps because the tone and resonance is much like the languages spoken by Indigenous healers from my birthplace, or perhaps for more otherworldly reasons. Elaine’s gift of Light Language resonates for me at a soul level. 

                                                     Brenda M. British Columbia, Canada

I was drawn to Elaine by her down to earth, genuine caring and knowledge of Human Design, expanded knowledge of astrology and numerology. I did a Basic Reading first and then the Soul Purpose reading a week later. Much to my surprise, I feel like a different person! I know myself better.  I am feeling empowered to move forward in a new career and bring forth my life purpose.  Lots of empowering information that I can use right away. I highly recommend Elaine. 

~Janet O.

Your Astro-numerology and Human Design birth codes reflect your soul's energies and purpose. Your birth code is filled with subtle and not-so-subtle challenges that hold you back. Explore under the surface for the deep energetic influences that are holding you back. 


Sessions explore the deeper meanings represented in your birth code, both your strengths and the things that undermine you. 


Private Destiny/ Soul purpose Sessions

  • Illuminate your inner wisdom.

  • Awaken your hidden powers.

  • Reclaim the freedom to choose your life path.

  • Explore the depths of who you are, and why you are here.

  • Uncover what's stopping you.

  • Creatively express your soul's purpose and change the world,

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Inspired by Ellara's empathic healing abiities, here is a Light Language Meditation for you.

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."


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​© 2016-2023 Elaine Correia DBA Inner Wisdom • The Awakened Heroine.

All Rights Reserved.

P.O. Box 840 • Waldport, OR 97394

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