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Illuminate Your Inner Wisdom
October Forecast: A Taste of 2018
October moves us from watching the synchronicity that guides us towards our destiny, to having the courage to move boldly into the...

Don't Shoot The Messenger!
Do you struggle with something in your life, your relationship, your health , money or anything else? What if, at some level, you chose...

Living Life On Your Own Terms
Do you ever wish you could live life on your own terms? You'd work when you wanted and have the time to do the activities that call to...

Harnessing Your Power
Do you struggle with overdoing, over-working, over-eating and more? If a little is good, do you think that more is better? What if this...

September Celestial Forecast: Synchronistic Abundance
The energies of September are a reflection of the overall theme of 2017. In Numerology, September is a 19 Universal month, which reduces...

The Power of Retreating
Does it seem like the past just keeps re-creating itself? Does it seem impossible to create a different future, no matter how hard you...

Chasing Phantom Gold
Do you jump on a new idea and try it out and when it doesn't work, you throw up your hands? You are primed for the next awesome idea...

Bring It On!
In just a few days, on August 21, 2017 the moon will pass between the sun and the earth, creating a solar eclipse. Some of us in the US...

A Wrinkle In Life, Part 2
Spirit, using life situations, has a wonderful way of throwing us a curve ball -- something that pries us out of our comfort zone. I've...

Please Help!!
The well-being of the world is at stake with Trump and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un huffing and puffing at each other. Normally,...

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