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Illuminate Your Inner Wisdom
February 2017: A Month For Building Lasting Relationships
February promises to be a fantastic month for building relationships, not only with others, but with yourself. In Numerology, February,...

Discover Your Inner Power
We live in exciting times! It may not seem so to those who wonder what our new leadership will yield. It may seem like we are losing all...

Wonder What's In Store For You In 2017?
Do you watch the news and wonder what is in store for you in 2017? In the United States, we have a new president who promises change. But...

Welcome to January 2017
Welcome to 2017, a year for leaving a legacy and of instant manifestation. Similar to last November, in numerology, January is a number...

Play Time!
This is what happens when my inner child and the Awakened Heroine come out to play.
December Forecast: Learn Something That Brings You Joy
December offers a time when you can indulge your inner student and satisfy your curiosity about something you've been wondering about. ...

Do You Fear Your Inner Power?
Do you ever wonder if you are living up to your full potential? What would your life be like, if you were? Beneath the surface of the...

Are You Ready For An Inner Journey?
This Sagittarius New Moon offers us an opportunity to break free from our limitations.

How Do You Get Back Home?
In her more lucid moments, my 97 year old mother has not wanted to have anything to do with death and dying. She didn't believe she...

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